Roadmap for Patients and Families

Evidence shows people living with a chronic condition and their family members can experience increased stress and potentially struggle with emotional health concerns. Co-created with patients, families, clinicians, and psychologists, Roadmap seeks to ensure addressing emotional health is a routine part of excellent care.

Simply asking “How are you doing?” can have an immediate and positive impact on patient and family emotional health. Hear Meg Didier share what this means to her as a patient in the video linked to the right, and hear from others in Roadmap’s “How are you doing?” video.

Evidence Demonstrating the Emotional Impact of Living with a Chronic Illness

People with serious medical conditions, have a higher risk of emotional, social, and behavioral problems. Roadmap has adapted the American Heart Association Scientific Statement so that it can be shared as it applies to all chronic conditions.

Self Care

The Importance of Support



Help Roadmap Reach More Clinicians

Patients and families are vital partners in helping The Roadmap Project reach more people and organizations to make addressing emotional health a routine part of excellent care. Co-designed with patients and families, talking points and a one-page summary are available to help you share more about Roadmap when connecting with organizations in your community.

How to use this document: Review these talking points to prepare for conversations about Roadmap.

How to use this document: Share this one-pager digitally or print it to distribute to organizations when discussing Roadmap.

The Courageous Parent Network is a non-profit organization that provides links and resources, for families of children with serious illnesses and a range of prognoses. These resources are designed to help navigate the illness journey with topics that address common experiences and concerns. Links to resources for palliative care are also provided.


Youth MOVE National connects, supports, and develops youth leadership in advocacy to create positive change. They practice authentic youth engagement through youth driven decision making by elevating youth voices of lived experience. They ensure that young people are heard and valued as leaders in the agencies, communities, and systems that impact their lives. Today, there are more than 60 Youth MOVE chapters nationwide, all focusing on issues that are unique to the youth and young adults in their local communities.